Austin Aqua Farms has tons of different color variants and species of Euphyllia for sale.
The Euphyllia Genus consists of Hammer Corals, Torch Corals, and Frogspawn Corals. Be sure to give these corals plenty of space to extend their sweeper tentacles. Some Torches have been seen with Tentacles of 10-12 inches long at night!
The Euphyllia Genus consists of Hammer Corals, Torch Corals, and Frogspawn Corals. Be sure to give these corals plenty of space to extend their sweeper tentacles. Some Torches have been seen with Tentacles of 10-12 inches long at night!
Indonesian Premium Gold Torch Euphyllia (2 Heads)
Indonesian Premium Bright Green Torch Euphyllia (4 Heads)
Indonesian Premium Liquid Gold Hammer Euphyllia
Austrailan Premium Purple Frogspawn Euphyllia
Austrailan Premium Jade Frogspawn Euphyllia
Australian Premium Jade Frogspawn Euphyllia
Indonesian Premium Black Widow Torch Euphyllia
Indonesian Premium Dragon's Soul Torch Euphyllia (2 Heads)
Australian Premium Pure Gold Torch Euphyllia (2Heads)
Australian Premium Neon Frogspawn Euphyllia